Téléchargez la brochure complète de l’Aluroller EVO

The Aluroller EVO in 60 seconds

Discover the benefits of this unique 3-in-1 thermal break assembly machine

The Aluroller EVO gets round all the classic problems of thermal insulation processes. Thanks to its 3-in-1 technology, the first profile of each production batch is immediately straight and you have virtually zero waste. No other machine that thermally insulates aluminium profiles can come near it. 

Get a first impression of the Aluroller EVO thanks to the video below. Interested to learn more? Don't hesitate to download the complete brochure or get in touch with our commercial department! 

Aluroller EVO

Aluroller EVO

  • Technologie éprouvée 3 en 1 de moletage, insertion de bandes isolantes et laminage (sertissage)
  • 1 machine pour 3 opérations dont l’exécution ne nécessite que 2 opérateurs
  • Processus inédit de laminage (sertissage) garantissant l’obtention de profilés droits
  • Délais de mise au point les plus courts du marché.

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Notre emplacement

Lerrekensstraat 32 B
2220 Heist-op-den-Berg

+ 32 15 24 66 60